Health Care Library

Music Therapy & Autism Spectrum Disorder
Music Therapy & Autism Spectrum Disorder Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or pervasive developmental disorders are terms used to diagnose a neurological condition that affects typical brain development. Three areas that are typically affected are speech and language skills, social interaction, and imagination. Music therapy is able to further develop social skills and enhance creativity through musical improvisation. […]

Chia Seed Breakfast Popsicles
FRUIT! It’s like nature’s candy, isn’t it? So sweet and delicious and yet so good for you! Fruit is jam-packed with fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals and other amazing nutrients to keep your body healthy. Try to incorporate fruit – preferably fresh or unsweetened, frozen fruit, and NO FRUIT JUICES – every day. Men should aim for 2 cups […]

Summer Safety With Essential Oils & Homemade Bug Spray
Essential oil safety is important because each essential oil is pure and very potent. Some oils may increase sensitivity to sunlight and cause irritation (photosensitivity) so caution should be taken during summer months. When UV radiation, a form of radiation which makes up approximately 10% of sunlight, comes in contact with particular substances it can […]

A Recipe For Gingerbread Cookies That The Whole Family Can Participate In
Looking for a fun child-friendly recipe this holiday season? Look no further! These gingerbread cookies are a healthier alternative to traditional cookies as they do not contain refined white sugar and are great to make with the kids as they don’t require baking. The Health Benefits Ginger has many health benefits! One of these benefits is its ability […]

Warming Socks Treatment For Colds & Flu
Wet socks is a hydrotherapy treatment that is especially effective for relieving nasal congestion at night, helps to stimulate the immune system, relieves aches and chills, and promotes a restful night’s sleep when sick. This treatment is helpful for cold & flu symptoms, earaches, sore throats, and sinus infections. This treatment can be done at […]

3 Hidden Sources Of Environmental Toxins
1. What is that wonderful smell? Walking into a home that smells of “air fresh linens” when no laundry has been touched in days indicates that an air freshener is most likely responsible. While these devices smell great, they contain multiple chemicals that have been documented to potentially harm your health. The main chemicals that […]

Unfortunately, Your Baby Bump Does Not Come With An Instruction Manual!
How have you been feeling? I have been very lucky in that I have not experienced any morning sickness. A couple mornings I did have some bouts of queasiness but these were remedied with an everything bagel toasted with cream cheese from Tim Horton’s. I have been off dairy for most of the past year […]

10 Helpful Breastfeeding Tips
Congratulations on welcoming the newest member of your family! Whether you are a new mom or have breastfeed before, the breastfeeding journey can be a challenging one. With the appropriate support and information it can also be a very special time for you and your baby. Having just gone through this with my first child, […]

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Gift
Happy Valentine’s Day! On this special day, we try to show our partners how much we love them. When we think about Valentine’s Day we often picture images of flowers, chocolates and romantic dinners. While we may enjoy these traditional rituals we sometimes look for those personal touches that makes one another feel loved. What […]