Health Care Library

Healthy Holiday Treats!
The holiday season is right around the corner and all of those baked goods can be very tempting. The problem with those all of those treats is that they are usually packed with tons of sugar, flour, and tons of other not so healthy ingredients. These can be delicious at the time, but once the […]

Martina’s At-Home Migraine Tips
Hello again migraine – it’s been a whole 2 weeks since I saw you last. Welcome back! Everyone has something they can recall about their childhood ailments. Maybe it was your tonsils, your ear infections, maybe you were the person with the chronic asthma or nosebleeds. For me, I don’t recall any of the above; […]

Abaton In The Community: Programming At Trafalgar Lodge Revera Retirement Home
This year Raquel and Melissa had the opportunity to bring programming to our friendly neighbours at Trafalgar Lodge Revera Retirement Home. Raquel Garcia, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, invited residents from Trafalgar Lodge to our clinic to participate in a cooking class making Banana Bread Muffins. They were able to learn more about the food they were […]

Activity For The Kids: Slime Diy
Slime is all the rage and I have searched far to find a recipe for my kids that doesn’t include any chemicals but comes out just as good! Instead of reaching into a cleaning cabinet for Borax and contact lens solution, I wanted to reach into my pantry for ingredients! The recipe below got a […]

Remedies On-The-Go
Life hacks seem to be taking over social media in an attempt to make life just a little smoother, and save a buck when you can. I love a natural hack, but especially ones that help prepare for the unexpected, especially if you’re travelling with kids. I have added these to my first aid kit […]

Make Your September Easier With Meal Planning
It’s September, back to routine, making lunches and….meal planning! September always feels like a fresh start for me. As the days get shorter, temperatures begin to cool and kids go back to school – September can be a time to reset and get back to good eating habits. However, with the demands of making lunches, […]

Fall-ing In Love With Yourself!
With the busy fall season approaching, it is a great time for a fresh start. Instead of starting the latest diet trend or doing a juice cleanse, it might be nice to practice some self love and care. Sadly, we live in a culture that has set us up for failure when it comes to […]

Guest Blog Post: The Minimalist Mindset For Wellbeing
I define minimalism as a conscious curation of life. It is a two-fold process: first, declutter your mental, emotional and physical environment, and then determine the best use of the new found space. When weighed down by objects, bad habits or toxic energy, minimalism responds with a question. “What does wellbeing look like and what […]

Top 5 Mama Must Haves For Summer
Summer is finally upon us and I would like to share my top 5 mama must haves for Summer 2018! 1. Substance Baby Sun Care Creme SPF 30 There are so many sunscreens on the market and it can be difficult to decide which one to use on your child. Sunscreen is notorious for being […]