Guest Blog Post: The Minimalist Mindset For Wellbeing

I define minimalism as a conscious curation of life. It is a two-fold process: first, declutter your mental, emotional and physical environment, and then determine the best use of the new found space. When weighed down by objects, bad habits or toxic energy, minimalism responds with a question. “What does wellbeing look like and what would I need to let go of to embrace it?” We need good quality sleep, healthy nutrition, lots of body movement and calm brain time but we often allow our lives to get too full and ignore at least one of these fundamentals. Check in and examine your priorities. What are the things you are doing to meet the expectations of others and what are the things you are doing because they hold deep personal meaning for you? Determine your limits and practice saying “No”. If you are on a wellness journey right now, make room for it. Really connect with what you need and let go of the rest. You deserve it. Others who have your best interests at heart will understand and support you. Shift past coping and engage with thriving. How do you want to be, in the next few years? Create breathing space to step into your most remarkable self. Interested in simplifying your day-to-day so you can get to what matters? Coaching is a professional partnership that can help you reach your full potential. I provide a practical yet heart-centred framework that provides clarity and creates steps to living at the centre of your life. Because we only get to do this once.

Jo Bennett, ACPC, ACC Solomojo Coaching []